Read Feel to Heal Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice edition by Giten Tonkov Kristin Donnan Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

By Tanya Richards on Sunday, May 26, 2019

Read Feel to Heal Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice edition by Giten Tonkov Kristin Donnan Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 7765 KB
  • Print Length 409 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1797921630
  • Publisher BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Institute (March 3, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 3, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Feel to Heal Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice edition by Giten Tonkov Kristin Donnan Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews

  • I am encouraged by the promise of this book, this approach! I’m new to Giton’s work, and this book is a perfect way to explore and use his approach to help myself heal from trauma. I’ve had those tremors and didn’t know what it was or what do do with them. My understanding is that this work, which I’m learning about from this book, releases the tension remaining in my tissues after traumatic experiences. For me, breast cancer surgery and treatment, and the loss of a child.
    Through this approach, at home, with my community of healers, I’m looking forward to using what I’m learning in this book to move the trauma out of my body. Old stuff but also the stress and tension of modern life. I bet there’s trauma that I don’t even know the source of exactly that’s stuck in me!
    Thank you Giton. You are helping others to help them (me) live more free and fulfilling lives. Bravo!
  • An interesting and enjoyable book. Knowing next to nothing about the topic but open to new and not mainstream modalities, I read it because a friend recommended it to me. I expected it might be rather dry; I was pleased it was not. The examples used and the photos of positions and diagrams help explain the techniques. The book transitions nicely from chapter to chapter, and the 'how to' instructions are clear and thorough. A sweet gift to give to those of us who have experienced trauma and seek a nurturing and loving way to release it from our bodies. Well done.
  • This is not just a book on breath, trauma and how to bring healing to the human body it is a piece of art.
    Giten has done a magnificent job in bringing his lifelong experience on working with himself and other people and throughout the book I can feel that.
    If you want to embark a self-healing journey yourself or want to deepen your understanding of Trauma and how to release it from the body and mind, this is an excellent choice!
    Thank you Given for sharing with us!
  • Giten Tonkov's book "Feel to Heal" is a refreshing read into the world of trauma and how intentional breathwork can ease or eliminate the effects of trauma and tension in the body and mind.
    Included is a history of breathwork and a lot of technical info (presented non-technically) to understand the body’s natural processes and why breathwork is effective. All of the stories, diagrams, and photos aid in this endeavor.
    While it recommends seeing professionally trained breathwork facilitators in the Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release System, it also goes on to explain breathwork techniques to help yourself in the privacy of your own home.
    I bought a hard copy so that I can highlight and make notes!
  • Clearly and entertainingly written. I'm brand-new to these concepts, and appreciated having them explained in a cogent non-mumbo-jumbo fashion. A fascinating read.
  • Developmental trauma is something I have firsthand an intimate knowledge of. However for most of my life, I have had no tools or resources to support me to cope with this in my life. Thanks to Giten’s work, that has all changed. And now reading his book, it is supporting me to simplify the knowledge I have. And more importantly, bringing in more body knowledge and awareness to how I live day to day. I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. Many many thanks to giten.
    I strongly and whole-heartedly recommend this excellent book "Feel to Heal", by the founder of the Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System. A fundamental read for anyone working with breathwork or trauma-informed work, and of course anyone with an interest or curiosity to live a more open and more free life!

    I have always been intrigued and interested in breath work. Somewhere in my gut, I knew that this was transformative work. Perhaps it was from a longing to be able to sink deeper into my body, allowing its wisdom to guide the way, and relying less on my mind. Most of my adult life, I have lived in my head, and operated from my head. Although my head is a great tool, thanks to Giten‘s work and especially this book, I am getting reacquainted with my body and its wisdom in a whole new way. The power of starting to trust my body, is a pure gift. And reading this book, not only affirms what my gut already knew, but it opens up a whole new world of wisdom and exploration. I know now, my body actually has all the answers. And as I trust more and more that my breath will take me where I need to go, especially in releasing old trauma that has been stuck in my body for years. I am slowly noticing a deeper trust emerging from within.
  • Listening to a recent Steve Porges interview on the podcast Relationship Alive, it struck me that what has been defined in terms of the vagal theory is so perfectly brought to life in this practice outlined in Giten Tonkov's new book Feel to Heal. Neural exercises, as they have come to be known, are part and parcel to BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System. The interplay between conscious breathing techniques and touching our trauma within the space of trust and the safety of a caring presence, then moving to dance and even play as a counterpoint, creates the perfect formula for developing the resilience we need to heal. There are many other routes possible with this approach. But what I love about the book and the work of BBTRS is that it allows for the integration of many, if not all, the somatic tools we now have available to us and shows powerful examples of how others have used them to regain their aliveness and awareness. Essentially to start living their lives without the old tensions and stories that would have been indefinite roadblocks. To start living fully alive. Three cheers for "Feel to Heal". Thank you Giten Tonkov