Download I Can't Make This Up Life Lessons Audible Audio Edition Neil Strauss contributor Kevin Hart Audible Studios Books

By Tanya Richards on Thursday, May 23, 2019

Download I Can't Make This Up Life Lessons Audible Audio Edition Neil Strauss contributor Kevin Hart Audible Studios Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 11 hours and 15 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Audible Studios
  • Release Date June 6, 2017
  • Language English, English

I Can't Make This Up Life Lessons Audible Audio Edition Neil Strauss contributor Kevin Hart Audible Studios Books Reviews

  • I expected this book to be funny, but what I didn't expect it to be was Profound. You can picture the story of how Kevin Hart grew up as ending in any number of ways, but Comedic Mega-Star wouldn't seem to be a likely outcome. With a father who was a criminal with substance abuse problems and a mother who was basically raising him on her own in a tough Philadelphia neighborhood, Kevin could have been a bitter, resentful victim of the system. Instead, he chose a classical Stoic path and realized that most things were out of his control. Having reached this conclusion, he also determined that the only aspect of his life that he could reliably control what how he chose to respond to his circumstances. He responded by finding humor in difficult experiences, and working harder than anyone else in the face of setbacks. Don't get me wrong, this book is laugh out loud funny, but what kept me reading through the night were the amazing insights and the overwhelming sense of gratitude exuded by Mr. Hart. Being the child of an alcoholic father myself, I strongly identified with his experiences and his reflections on the decision points that came up as he matured. I really enjoyed this book and I'm going to recommend it to my kids as an excellent example of how circumstances can't keep a strong person down for the count. I would give it 6 stars if I could.
  • a phenomenal job by Kevin Hart! as a big fan of kev Hart, I've watched all his standups and I'm a die hard fan of his style of humor. finding humor in life's difficult circumstances is what Kevin does the best job of in this book. unbelievably hilarious, yet blunt and on point when it comes to the lessons and message he's trying to send out to readers. kudos kev! keep up the good work!
  • I love memoirs. I read them. I write them. If I had to choose a single genre of literature to read for the rest of my life, memoirs would be it. So I had high expectations of this work because I expected (and was correct in thinking) that Kevin Hart has a hell of a story to tell. But I also care about the technicalities of writing because a good story can go terribly wrong if it is disorganized, under-thought, poorly written, rushed, you name it. I Can't Make This Up Life Lessons delivered on every level for me. First, I LOVE the unconventionality of the book. The disclaimer hilarious and simultaneous perfectly legal and binding. Who knew such a routine blurb could be so fun to read!? (Kevin knew.) The hilarious chapter headings again, so fun and innovative. They completely echo the run-on hashtag trend that Kevin Hart himself started. The chapters numerous but short, direct to the point and plot, and complementary to the story as a whole. And finally, the story thorough, interesting, free of indulgent self-flattery, brutally honest, raw (by "raw" I mean without frivolous embellishment--what you see is what you get), inspiring, and it may or may not go without saying hysterically funny despite consistently challenging--even devastatiing--life circumstances. I particularly applaud Mr. Hart on putting into words his introspective learning process of mending old relationships and being successful in new ones. The example he sets in accepting his downfalls, righting his wrongs, transforming his approach to relationships and life, and moving forward with his "grind" with life lessons in tow is commendable. Thank you, Kevin Heart, for endeavoring to write this book. More than anything, you have demonstrated that we are all human subject to unexpected challenges and capable of great triumph as well as moral defeat. And irrespective of the cards we are dealt or the circumstances that result from our own doing, we have the power to redirect our course and aspire to heights heretofore unnavigated. Bravo!
  • Many people will look at this and say it's just a snapshot of what a celebrity's life looks like. This mentality would be a major mistake. This is a raw, uncut version of how an inner city kid with an imperfect beginning to his world was able to find huge success because of the lessons learned along the journey to becoming great. Kevin Hart thank you for not waiting until you were 60 years old and gray to pen this book together and showing us the blueprint to success as you continue to climb the ladder to bigger and better things. The inspiration and lessons has me thinking on another level and my family will be thankful for what will come of this newfound wisdom.
  • Not what you would expect from Kevin Hart if you're just a casual fan of his comedy. He is very inspirational with his story telling. He does an amazing job of tying his comedic stories with a life lesson. This guy finds a positive in everything. I recommend to anyone and everyone.
  • A honest funny heatwarming story with wonderful life lessons. Kevin shares the good, bad and ugly in a way that's inspiring. This is a raw look at his life. Love that he gives so much credit to those who have helped him along the way. Finished the book in one day