Download iPad Pro Guide The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro iOS 12 eBook Tom Rudderham

By Tanya Richards on Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Download iPad Pro Guide The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro iOS 12 eBook Tom Rudderham

Product details

  • File Size 78649 KB
  • Print Length 204 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Tap Guides (November 11, 2015)
  • Publication Date November 11, 2015
  • Language English
  • ASIN B017WITC42

iPad Pro Guide The Ultimate Guide for iPad Pro iOS 12 eBook Tom Rudderham Reviews

  • In my opinion, one of the best ways to help someone understand technical information Is by writing It along with pictures showing what just has been explained. This book does that in a very well organized and common sense manner. Something many technically oriented people have difficulty accomplishing. If you want to quickly and easily understand your iPad Pro this is your book.
  • This is a solid basic overview of this marvelous machine but it doesn't go very broad or deep into what you can accomplish with it. But it will get you going if you are new to it.
  • I am new to using an IPad and if I get stuck I can look up how to do what I want to and not bug my sons!
    I am learning more this way too. Give this a try so you can do everything you want to all by yourself!
  • I was very disappointed in this Guide because the programs I want to learn to use for their full potential were not given ~ I didnt need a sales pitch on Ipad Pro..... I bought one and now I need a guide to tell me more about specific programs to utilize
  • The perfect companion to a new iPad Pro. It really does show you things you never thought you'd use or need. I can tell you this, there is a tech support person very happy I have this...LOL.
  • This is not a good book. It is all B&W low resolution images and difficult to read.
  • good overview for new ipad owners. NO INDEX. i read bulk of text on an old kindle DX ,while referring to is well worth the 3 clams.
  • The guide is a good place to start and once you've gone through it testing things on your iPad Pro you'll seldom need it again. It's an awfully big book to keep at hand unless you've more desk space than I have.